What is a School Advisory Council?
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is composed of the principal and a balanced number of teachers, other school staff members, students, and parents, along with business and community people, who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school so that all groups of the school community have a voice in school improvement. They are either elected or appointed to form the SAC for the school.
- The parents are nominated and elections are held at the beginning of each year to determine the members.
- SAC meets once a month to discuss issues such as school improvement, school goals, and the school budget.
- SAC is the school's community voice in the planning process for school improvement.
- The goal in the school improvement plan is that all students will learn and achieve in the areas of math, reading, and writing.
- Student growth on standardized tests will determine the effect that the school improvement plan has had on the academic growth of our students.
- The SAC membership must reflect the racial/economic makeup of the school's population.
- The majority -- at least 51% -- of the SAC members must be non-school employees.
Parents, We need YOUR help!
Please join our SAC committee and help our students succeed!