The following are a few of the policies listed in the Parent-Student Code of Conduct:
Early Departure Policy
Early Departure Policy during school hours ends at 3:00 pm. Please try to arrange for appointments AFTER school hours. Early check out creates an interruption in the classroom and the student misses the opportunity for instruction. NO STUDENT is permitted to leave campus during the school day without following these procedures:
- Picture ID will be required before a student is released to an adult.
- Students who are checked out before 11:15 pm will be considered absent for the entire day. If unavoidable circumstances arise, the student must be signed out through the office to the parent or legal guardian only.
- If it becomes necessary to check out your child early, you must do so before 3:00 pm No child may be checked out between 3:00-3:30 pm (2:00-2:30 pm on Wednesdays).
- For the safety of all students you must check out the child before or after car dismissal.