Pinewood School Supply List 2024-2025
Below is a list of recommended supplies for your child by specific grade level. Supplies will be used in the classroom by many students. Please write your child's name on backpacks and lunchboxes, but it is not necessary to label the other supplies. To download the school supply lists, click the following link: Pinewood School Supply 2024-2025
Champions Extended Day at Pinewood
Champions at Pinewood is a before and after school program, has a great solution for busy working families: activities that combine fun and learning, together with the safety and convenience of a high-quality program right inside your school. They offer a variety of group and individual activities designed to keep your child exploring and growing.
Our fun, unique educational programs are designed around your child's development and interests. We provide more than just childcare, we offer hands-on, interactive learning in a stimulating, and safe environment. While hanging out with friends, your child will be busy learning new things, working on homework, relaxing, playing, drawing, and more!
For more information, please use the following links:
For more information, please contact our front office staff.